Dear friends and family,
I hope you are comfortably seated in your ergonomic armchairs when you are reading this post. The Vietcong, guerrilla force in the Vietnam war/conflict had to crouch frequently in rather uncomfortable positions for us white, spoiled tourists in the (by distance, not by room provided) largest tunnel network in the world (?). We visited the Chu Chi tunnels on a half day trip from Saigon, learning about what all happened in the tunnels, from cooking, bathing and marrying to conferences, fights and flooding. Above, one of the more uncomfortable places in the network, prepared for noisy enemies wanting to get into the tunnels. More difficult to notice in the left picture are the air channels that come up every 30 meters in the tunnel network, mostly disguised as harmless grass on the top.
Hope you stay on top of your work as well,
All the best until soon,
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