Monday, August 11, 2008

some impressions from campus

Dear friends and family,

when waiting at the shuttle bus stops, sometimes you kill some minutes by capturing a view or two of the buildings you normally sit in. The first one shows one of the many libraries on campus.

The second shows the outside view of Canteen A which I already commented on some time ago, you should know it from inside as well :-)

The last impression is about the little Chinaman, who tried to run with his head through a wall.

"Da kann ich nur sagen: Besser Brett vorm Kopf, als Kopf im Brett"

Sadly enough ever since then, he has to walk around with what is left over of his adventure. NO, it is not a simple hat, it is really a handyman helmet with a piece of drywall around supplies him with some shade on a sunny day, though. Quite a creative solution, if you are bothered by regular hats that fly of once a slight breeze comes up.
Fingers crossed the weather does not change too soon.

Take good care,


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