Saturday, May 22, 2010

SIM community event

Liebe Leser,

ich hoffe es geht euch allen sehr gut. Gerne schreibe ich euch, dass sich am ersten Mai 2010 viele SIM Studenten und SIM Alumni in St.Gallen getroffen haben, um gemeinsam einen schönen Tag zu verbringen - unser SIM community event. SIM steht für "Strategy and International Management" - das Masterprogram was alle Beteiligten diesen Tages eint.
Dieses Jahr hatte ich das Glück teilnehmen zu dürfen und so fuhren wir am frühen Morgen in den Allgäu um im größten Hochseilgarten Deutschlands unsere Kletterkünste zu erproben. Leider gibt es keine präsentablen Photos meiner Anstrengungen auf dem schwierigsten Parcour in 15-20 m Höhe... wirklich schade, denn einige wären sicher lustig gewesen.
Dafür gibt es aber ein nettes Gruppenbild zum Thema: Flagge hissen in 45 Sekunden.

Ich wünsche euch alles Liebe und Gute,

Euer Matti

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Meeting Noelle in Zurich

Dear friends and family,

I hope you are all doing as well as I am. Especially, when I met my friend Noelle shortly after arriving in Switzerland, I was a truly happy fellow. We walked around the old town, mounted the many stairs that lead to the top of the Münster and enjoyed lunch in the sun. Afterwards we met Tanya and her friends at the lake, by pure coincidence. What a joyful afternoon. The only sad part was that it was over way to quickly...

Until next time my friends,

your Mat

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Visiting my grandparents in Northern Germany

Dear friends,

a few days in the North, enjoying the company of my grandparents and beloved mom, really made a difference to my Easter Holidays this year. We had long and intense discussions about our family history, during which my grandparents shared the greatest stories. Good times!
The next morning we set out for a bike tour across the flat Northern farmlands, passing by the irrigation and shallow shipping channels that used to transport the turf. As you might guess from the few pictures, this is a place to recharge, unload and relax. Thanks grandma and grandpa for always having an open door and open arms for us!

Love you,


Salsa formal night at University

Dear friends,

back from the New York and Niagara Falls adventures with Susan, the final get together of our salsa group was to take place. So our group of dancing friends united in some rather formal outfit, to dance away a whole Friday night. Quite to my liking as you can imagine!

So, you are cordially invited to stop by and to "put on the red shoes and dance!"
